Commission a painting! I love to paint snapshots of people reveling their true essence in a trompe l’oeil style on panels and of pets. A 8×10 dog painting is $1,200, a 12×12 double portrait is $1,800. A 12×16 inch panel of a snapshot takes me 7-10 days and costs about $2,500.
Email me to commission a portrait:
Have a portrait of your dog painted on a handbag. Just the head is $300 (about 3 inches square), Full body is $500 (about 5 inches square). Done in durable leather Angeles paint.
Email me to commission a dog:
I’m open to painting something unique for your home or to give as a special gift. Clearly, children, dogs and flowers are subject matter I am drawn to. Here is a still life I painted for a friends meditation room. What can you dream of?
Email me to commission something special: